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Chumash Trails Day Map

Thank you for joining us on Sunday, October 10, 2021 for Chumash Trails Day, Old Trails, New Soles, in ​special recognition of Indigenous People's Day.  We gathered Lower Manning Park in Montecito for a brief program and traditional Chumash blessing before heading to the trail of choice for a self-guided observational hike. Inspired by our Chumash Trails Day Map, we were encouraged to identify local plant life, wildlife, minerals and rocks and photograph them for a treasure hunt. Share on social media at @montecitotrailsfoundation and #oldtrailsnewsoles and create a new community.  But we can experience this any day because Every Day is Indigenous Peoples Day!


Please download copies of our Chumash Trails Day Map for printing below. You can also find beautiful 11x17, full color copies in our SHOP and complementary copies will be available at our Chumash Trails Day event.

Map Credits:

  • MTF Board Member: Kristine Sperling

  • Cartography and Illustrations: Hélène Webb

  • Chumash Consultants and Barbareño Linguists: Eleanor Arellanes, Barbara Lopez, Loryann Velez, Matthew Vestuto and James Yee

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